Welcome to the The2Watchmen. The purpose of this website is to provide accurate information about topics that surround the bible with facts and academic information. Christians that believe the bible will find this place valuable in their goals to advance their knowledge of the bible and its related topics. However, this site is not just designed for the religious but also for agnostics and atheists that hope to better understand the bible as literature and as an academic subject to converse in an informed manner with other religious persons as an informed student of this subject. This is a very board subject that will branch into many areas of studies and specialties.
The best way to use this website is to browse the subjects in the category section and look through it. The goal is not to overwhelm you with information on the content page itself but rather to give you bite size information that is both clear and concise. The support for the information will come from citations which will be provided wherever possible.
At the bottom of each subject page, there is a place where anyone can comment, and we invite anyone and everyone to do so especially if they have information to challenge the contents. Also you can enter subject matters that you like to see included that is related to the bible or simply new subjects on this website. We are open to taking special requests for content and will update and build this website over time. In the meantime, please enjoy the content and feel free to give your feedback.
Best regards,
Yahak Torah